Ashton Kutcher is one of Hollywood’s bigger jackasses. Ironically, that’s exactly what he’s calling his next door neighbor, who’s had the nerve to start construction on his home as early as 7:30 in the morning, according to Kutcher. Instead of simply filing some sort of legal action, Ashton decided to pull out his video camera and document the neighbor’s jackassery. And from watching it, you can hear just how enraged he is than anyone would violate his sleep.
I’m just recording this for legal purposes, but I can also share it with the world. It’s 7:30 AM, and I get to wake up in my bedroom to my f’ing jackass neighbor…doing this next to my porch. This is my porch! This is my house. This is my deck. Right up there, that’s my bedroom. This is where my dickweed neighbor has decided to be building a house at 7AM, pounding on steel and welding right next to my frickin’ house. I woke up this morning to pounding, welding steel. I’m gonna lose it on this guy. I’m gonna lose it. I’m gonna lose it. It’s been going on for four months now. This guy’s got another thing coming.
Ashton took his displeasure to Twitter:
– this SOB owl feces cougar placenta jack bone dick! about 1 hour ago from web
– Jack ass 7am building a god damn fort next to my house f’in up my view and noise polluting
– the entire f’in nieghborhood with pounding steal about 1 hour ago from web
– holy moly I’m gonna lose it! about 1 hour ago from web
– this ass clown has another thing coming! about 1 hour ago from web
– I’m gonna kill my neighbor! about 1 hour ago from web
– Ashton’s wife also took to Twitter to back up her man:
– calm and gentle baby you can pull out the paint gun later! about 1 hour ago from web
– baby keep it together there should only be another 5 months of this. about 1 hour ago from web
– the neighbor doing consruction with 6 guys pounding hammers against steel at 7am is no way to wake up! about 1 hour ago from web
[From the Huffington Post]
I do get how annoying that must be, but I also think it’s pretty juvenile to make some movie bitching about it and post it on the internet. Unless the neighbor is famous, why the hell would he care about a video? Most cities have noise ordinances, and have a set hour at which construction can begin and must end. If the guy’s in violation of that, then call it in each and every day. Or go through other legal channels. Resorting to a video is just dumb.
As the Huffington Post mentioned, Ashton and Demi have also gotten really into Twitter. Which I find to be just about the most annoying thing in the world. I can always tell when someone’s using Twitter on Facebook because they feel the need to obsessively report on the excruciating minutiae of their lives. No I don’t care what you had for lunch! No I don’t care that your microwave is broken! No I don’t care that your favorite instrument is the cello! Just like you’d expect, Ashton and Demi’s other Twitters are just as empty and useless as can be. These two have way too much free time on their hands.
Here’s Ashton and Demi at ServiceNation’s ‘A New Era of Service’ Martin Luther King Day Breakfast at Ballou Senior High School in Washington DC on Januar 19th. Images thanks to WENN.