Porsha Williams shared a photo on her social media account in which she’s wearing a little black dress that has all her curves showing off nicely. People are praising her look in the comments, and it really seems that they cannot have enough of the RHOA star.

Someone prised Porsha and said: ‘Natural beauty. Girl you look good,’ and another follower posted this: ‘Breathe chiiiile lol. You look beautiful 💕’

One commenter wrote: ‘Wow!!! Come through body!!! 😍’

A lot of people mentioned the fact that Porsha managed to snap back really quick after having her baby girl, PJ.

Other than this, Porsha gushed over the fact that, for the first time ever, black women won all the important beauty pageants.

Here’s her post:


With this post, Porsha managed to spark intense debate in her comments section.

Someone commented: ‘Didn’t Martin Luther King said that we should aim to focus on the contents of our characters rather than on the color of our skins? What if the tables were turned and all four of the aforementioned young women were white? Would you people have celebrated them the same? This is rampant hypocrisy on the highest level smh 🤦🏽‍♂️’

Another follower said: ‘white girl magic will never be a thing because white women have already been winning for hundreds of years. That’s just drawing attention to something white people obtain relatively easily compared to minorities. So when we win, yes please expect joy from us.’

Someone else wrote: ‘I don’t have a problem with it..my kids are biracial…my point was we would get hell if all four were white that’s just a fact its always been that way.’

Recently, Porsha showed support for Marlo Hampton on her social media account.


Marlo has a new wig line coming out, and Porsha made sure to give her a shout out.
